About Us
About Us

Laurie Tazelaar-Williams CEO
CEO Living Your Legacy, LTW came about as a culmination of my personal and career experience. Making a positive difference in people’s lives is my driving force throughout my life. Professionally, I have over 30 years of experience in the social service field with a diverse understanding of many areas of the business. Starting my career as a Peace Corps Medical Social Worker in a developing country was my first venture in social services. It was a life changing experience that has molded me to be the servant leader that I am. From being an international volunteer, I’ve worked in both for-profits and non-profits, both small and an extremely large national social service organization. Highlights of my professional career include:
- Executive Director of a small for-profit agency responsible for all leadership and management functions including revenue and expense management, service delivery and licensing, strategic planning and growth.
- Louisiana State Director for national social service organization providing oversight to state-wide programming for at-Risk youth in the Juvenile Justice System. Contracts were maintained with Office of Citizens with Developmental Disabilities, Office of Juvenile Justice, Office of Community Services and Office of Mental Health
- Vice President of Community Supports with the responsibilities of Supervising CADI (Community Access for Disability Inclusion) Case Management, providing oversight to Day Training and Rehabilitation, Supported Employment, Representative Payee services and providing Sr. Management for statewide consulting agency.
- Chief Operating Officer for a metro provider overseeing Corporate Foster Care and in-home supports to persons with a variety of disabilities including intellectual disabilities, brain injury, severe and persistent mental illness, and chemical dependency.
Along with my work experience I’ve been active on the Board of Directors of various agencies including:
- ARRM (Association of Residential Resources in MN) advocating for providers that work with people with disabilities
- MOHR (Minnesota Organization of Habilitation and Rehabilitation) advocating for vocational providers that support people with disabilities
- EGH, a small non-profit agency providing residential supports for people with disabilities